Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Bump, Set, Spike

Today after school, Alex had a volleyball game out at Blaine.  They won 2 of the 3 games (which means they won the match!)  The team is doing better!  
                           Lined up at the net and ready to get the ball.  Go Vista Vickings!!

 Check out the score!  Alex is serving the winning point! :)  This is the serve that went over the net and won this game for them! :)  Most of these points were made from Tori's serves though.  She had an amazing streak!  She kept serving and scoring points!  However, Alex's serve got the winning point! ;)

                                                           Yes!  Go Alex!!

She loves it when I come to the games and take pictures!  She is always happy and smiling at the camera. ;)

After the game, we went into Bellingham for soccer practice for Alex.  Mom and I (and a couple of soccer mom's) walked the track during practice.  It was drizzling out, but not too cold.

After soccer we ran over to Fred's to get groceries and home for bed!!  Tomorrow will be a little more low key.  No soccer! 

Have a great night!! 

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