Monday, March 11, 2013

Just another Monday...

Not a lot of excitement today around here...just another Monday.

Alex woke up still not feeling great.  She did go to school, but asked me to make a dr. appt for her. That's when I knew she still wasn't feeling good. :)  I dropped her off at school because she said she was ok to go and didn't want to miss anymore school. (she missed Friday).

After dropping her off, I came home to get McKenzie ready for school.  I fixed McKenzie's lunch while she made us eggs for breakfast. She usually makes her own lunch too, but we were running a little behind!  When I dropped her off at school, I stayed for a while counting the Butterbraid money from the fundraiser.

Then off to work for a couple hours, turned around and came back to pick up Alex for the doctor.  Good news is, she doesn't have strep throat!  I think she is probably the only one at her school who doesn't! I think most of the kids in her class have been out in the last couple weeks with strep.
They did look at her knee.  It has been bothering her a bit for the last couple weeks, but only when she is playing soccer or volleyball.  It doesn't hurt much when she is sitting on the couch doing homework! :)  They referred her to a physical therapist.  She went a couple years ago when she was having ankle problems.  Her bones grew faster than her tendons and she had to do some exercises to stretch them out.  The doctor today said she thinks it might be tendonitis in her knee, but the physical therapist will check it out and give her some exercises for it.

 When mom and I did our Sunday walk, I had to stop by the library and return on of McKenzie's books.  When I walked in the front door, they had a "clearance" section of their book sale.  I found these books for 25cents each!! I have been collecting the "House of Winslow" series by Gilbert Morris for a while now, when I find them at Good Will or Value Village.  I have a few of these titles, but I wasn't sure which ones.  For 25 cents, I bought them all.  Now I will sort through the ones I have and donate back the duplicates!

I do love me a good book sale! :)

Alexandra found this candle at Michael's when we were there on Saturday.  It is Raspberry Lime.  I was not to sure of the scent when she told me the flavor.  I don't usually like things that are lime scented.  However, when I smelled it, yummy!! :)  Aiden even smelled it and told me I needed to buy it. It is a fruity scent, but the lime is not is just light and pleasant.  It makes me happy when I smell it.

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