Thursday, March 14, 2013

Happy Pi Day!!

Today is 3.14!  AND at 1:59 today it was 3.14159! :)  We didn't celebrate by eating pie tonight, although I would have liked to! :)  McKenzie did some Pi activities in school today for math.  She also lost her 14th tooth tonight!  (I did help pull it out!)  It has been loose for a few days but the root was still pretty firmly attached. She could wiggle it all the way around, back and forth, side to side, but it wouldn't budge!  I helped a little, and it popped out!  Jay told her she should get $3.14 for it! I told him, he sure could!!

Alex had a volleyball game against Horizon this afternoon.  They lost all three games. This is Alex and Rachel laughing and talking at the net before the ball was served.  Off the court, friends (and soccer players) on the court...  :)

Last night Alex had her orchestra concert.  They played Conquistador.  I was on the very opposite side, way, way, way in the back.  This is not a great picture, but you can see her.  When she was on stage with the whole Vista/Horizon 7th grade orchestra, I couldn't see her at all where she sat.

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