Friday, March 1, 2013

Flashback Friday

Look at these cute little girls!  This was at Bedtime with books a few years maybe 5 years ago...  McKenzie and Emily were in Kindergarten I think, Alex and Blueberry were in 2nd grade?  They used to be sooo cute!  Now one is a teenager and the other two just act like teenagers!

This was around the same time as the other picture.  One of the years we had snow.  If we get snow, it usually lasts for a couple of days and then disappears.  So far this year we had a tiny bit of snow on McKenzie's birthday and on mom's birthday.  It went away the same day, almost within the hour.

Tonight Alexandra had her Medieval Fair at school.  They all did such a good job!  They were all dressed up in their Medieval clothes and they started the evening off with a Knighting Ceremony.  All of the kids got "knighted" by the King and Queen (Danny and Mari).

Then we ate a medieval dinner.  All the kids had to fix a dish or dessert from the medieval times and bring it. (Alex was absent that day, so we had to bring juice!)  Some of the kids worked on projects for the "museum" and others did a presentation for the audience.

Alexandra was the storyteller.  She told about the storytellers job, what they did and how they did it.  Then she told the story Robin Hood.  She did a great job!  The only part where she messed up was when a cell phone rang (rather loudly.  Twice!) and she interrupted herself and said, "Distraction!  MOM!!"  Yeah.  That was my phone.  Alyssa called me.  Twice.  Fixed the problem by silencing my phone which I should have done first!   Other than that, she did an amazing job with her speech and story.

She was also in a quartet playing Conquestador (sp??).  They did a great job!  This is the piece that they played at Solo/Ensemble last month.  There were a few other presentations and then the most favorite part of the evening for the kids...

JOUSTING!!  They all got their shields (they had to make a shield using colors and symbols that told the story of them and their family) and put on their helmets (football helmets!) and grabbed their swords (duct tape and foam tubing) and had to bow to the queen (the king went home sick), the one they fought for, and each other.  Then they attacked each other with their swords.  It was so much fun to watch!  The girls almost did a little dance as they tried to "kill" their enemy.  The boys, no dance, they went straight for the throat!  It was funny to see the difference between the way they fought.

Then it was over and we cleaned up, picked up McKenzie from Emily's house (they had a soccer game that they won 11-2 and she stayed with them) came home, got ready for Math Olympiad tomorrow, and off to bed!!

I will post pictures of Medieval Fair tomorrow along with Math Olympiad.  All the pictures are still on my camera and I need to get them off, but I am toooo tired tonight!

Good night!!

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