Sunday, March 10, 2013


This is Alexandra's new hobby!  This is the purse/hat that she made for her first big project.  Yesterday at Michael's we bought the book so she could learn some more stitches.  The right way, not my sorta, kinda, maybe remember way.  We also bought a case for the hooks to go in.  She is having fun learning all sorts of new stitches.  She even found some fun patterns to make.

This is Alexandra modeling the purse/hat that she made! :)  Cute!
The blue ribbon is the drawstring that you pull together to close the purse, or leave it open to have it as a hat.  She said that she would make me the sweater on the front cover of the book. :)  I just have to buy the yarn.

Today was a get stuff done at home day.  The girls took care of the garbage and recycle today.  Alex cleaned the bathroom and McKenzie went through all the hair stuff.  I sorted through the kitchen cupboards rearranging and getting rid of dishes.

Mom and I did our Pioneer Park walk today.  Much cooler than yesterday.  It was even a little drizzly outside.  We went the opposite way than we usually do and we went around twice!  Fun to mix it up a little bit! :)

When I came home from the walk, I took the light bulbs out of my purse that I bought last week for my van lights (one head-light and one tail-light) and replaced the burned out ones!  :)  I figured that since the nice policeman warned me yesterday that I had a tail-light out and I showed him that I had them, I just needed to replace them, that I should probably do it!  So I did! :)

We had yummy french toast, bacon, and eggs for dinner tonight.  Mmmm, my house smells so yummy now! :)  McKenzie also had a waffle and made her eggs into eggs goulash.

Now it is time for bed!  Long busy week ahead...

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