Monday, March 18, 2013

Monday Madness

Today was madness!  Crazy full moon madness.

My morning started off with a clogged toilet.  Yuck!  As we were getting ready to go to work/school, I was told that the toilet was clogged and it wouldn't flush.  They tried to plunge it and it wouldn't work.  So I go to plunge it...still doesn't work.  So I call work and let them know that I will be in a little late, we have a plumbing emergency.  I take children to school, go to Ace Hardware and buy a super plunger.  (We just had an ordinary plunger).  I come home and after a bit, it is unclogged!!  Yeah! So after sanitizing the bathroom, I go off to work.

Crazy at work!  We were super busy, and I spent most of my morning out front helping customers.  Weird random questions from crazy customers. :)

I come home from work (late) and Alex was bouncing off the walls.  Tomorrow is her last volleyball game, she hardly had any homework, she was painting her fingernails, and she couldn't sit still. 

 Literally. Could. Not. Sit. Still. 

I started doing the dishes because I didn't have time to do them this morning and she comes in saying she is hungry. I asked her what she wanted for dinner and she wanted spaghetti.  I had her fix dinner hoping to calm her down.  Nope.  No such luck!  She fixed dinner, but kept talking and bouncing and just crazy!!  After dinner was over she said she had to finish her math homework but she kept bouncing around.  I told her to go for a run!!  Outside or on the treadmill, I didn't really care, just get out some of that crazy energy!!  So she went for a run on the treadmill for about 10-15 min. 

Running....running,....running....  AND it worked!!  She was able to calm down and finish her homework!  I was getting tired just watching her. :) 

I wish I had half of her energy! :)

After her homework, she got out her crocheting and is calmly sitting on the couch and making things.

I am going to bed!  She has made me tired just watching her! :)

Volleyball tomorrow (Tuesday) at 4pm.  Home game! 

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