Saturday, March 2, 2013

Math Olympiad and Medieval Fair

Math Olympiad was a success!  But first, some pictures of the Medieval Fair!
Here is Alexandra the storyteller!  She really did a good job with her presentation.

This is the storyteller in action!  (before she got distracted by the cell phone ringing!! )

Alexandra and Sarah.  These girls have know each other since they were about 2 1/2 years old!! 

Let's get ready to joust!!  Helmet? Check.  Shield? Check. Sword? Almost!  :)  Opponent? Check!

 Bow to your opponent, look through your helmet and JOUST!!  I think Alex lost this round. :)

And now.....Math Olympiad!!

This is McKenzie and her team before it started.  They caught the bus at 8:15 and rode off to Whatcom Community College for a fun day of math.  :)

The opening ceremony was at 9:30 and then they were off to their classrooms to take the individual and team tests.  The individual test is 30 min long and has 30 questions on it!  The kids that scored 1st place got 26 out of 30 right!!  Crazy!!  

They then had mental math and then a snack break.  After the break they went back to their classrooms and took the rest of the team tests.  (Algebra, Geometry, Potpourri, Data & Probability)
Around noon, they were done and came back to the gym for lunch.  That is a crazy time!!  There were about 180 teams participating.  That is a lot of pent up energy in a small space!

At 1:30 they started the Awards Ceremony.  This team got 7th place!!

Skyline Team 5.1 accepting their 7th place award!

Can you see the big smiles?!?  The best part?  They beat the boys team!  :)  
Last week after districts, they boys beat the girls by 2 points and have been bragging that they are better and smarter...well, now the girls have bragging rights!  :)

 They did get a little wild and crazy posing for pictures with their medals. Great job girls!!

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