Saturday, March 23, 2013

Soccer Saturday!

Both of the girls had soccer games today.  I took lots of pictures.  I had the kids this afternoon.  I took lots of pictures (mostly of the boys).

However, my computer doesn't want to load the pictures from my card.  UGH!!!

So, the pictures will have to wait until tomorrow. :(

McKenzie had her first WDL outdoor game this morning at 9:15. The fields had some ice on them and it was very cold (about 32 degrees) but the sun was out and it made everything better! :)

They lost to the green team 4-0.  The green team was bigger, faster, first to the ball, and more aggressive.  I am glad we got that team done and out of the way! :)  The rest of the teams are a little more evenly matched I think.  McKenzie did pretty good.  She tried really hard and made some great plays!

Alex had her game this afternoon in the warm sun!  It was beautiful out!  They played at 3 out at Lummi.  They have a great new turf field.  The best news is they WON!!!!!  The score was 2-0!!  Her team has not won an outdoor game since summer tournaments!  We have tied, we have lost, but we had not won.  Today was super exciting!  The girls played great!  Worked really hard as a team, and pulled off a win!  :)  The coach said she would wash their practice pennies as soon as they won.  They have not been washed since summer! (Super stinky!)  They are now in the wash! :)

After the game, we went out to celebrate at dinner!  We went to Billy McHales.  I took this picture with my phone, so it loaded on my computer just fine.  McKenzie had a really long french fry!
The dinner was pretty yummy.  It was nice to not have to cook after a long day of outdoor soccer!

After dinner we ran over to Target to get some candy to stuff Easter Eggs for church tomorrow.  We are having an egg hunt next week, and we volunteered to stuff some eggs.  I bought two bags of eggs and one bag of candy and let each of the girls stuff a bag of eggs.  They had fun!

Now it is time for bed.  I hope when I wake up, my computer will let me load the pictures!

Have a great day!

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