Thursday, November 26, 2009

The Turkey Trot...

WE had fun at the Turkey Trot. The weather was perfect! It was pretty warm (50ish) and NOT raining!!! That is pretty perfect for Thanksgiving, I think. There was about 100 or so people that showed up.

Lesley and Derek, Me, Alyssa, Alexandra and McKenzie, and Richard all got there about 8:30 and we started the Trot about 9:00. I didn't time the walk (we did the 2k) but we walked a pretty good pace. Derek managed to get a piggyback for a little bit from Lesley and then later from Richard. Alexandra rode her unicycle. McKenzie pushed Lia in the stroller. Lesley and I took pictures! :)

I love this little train. Everybody was getting a little tired on the way back (it is all uphill!) so they made a little train and it seemed to give everybody a little more energy! :)

This photo was taken by McKenzie. We are a little tired from the long walk :) We were pretending to be sleeping. Lesley must have been snoring which is why I was laughing! :)

We are making salads, deviled eggs, and cookies. Mmmmmmm! :)

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

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