Friday, November 20, 2009


is less than two weeks away!!! I can't believe it is almost here! I am getting so excited! In two Fridays, we will be in Disneyland! I have to start making my Disneyland books now. I want to make a scavenger hunt/scrapbook/autograph book for each of the girls to take with them. It will have questions on it for the plane ride and the down time that we have. I am not really sure how I will be doing it. It will be a surprise for me too!!

These are pictures from the Lynden Fair this year. The top picture is from the Brad's Reptile Zoo booth. They were next to us in the Kid's Zone and the girls (bottom picture) kept asking to go on a break to see the animals. They were very happy when we had a lull in the customers and they could go and visit the animals.

Aren't they just the cutest helpers you have ever seen? Makes me want to shop at Lauching Success if they were the workers :)

Have a great Friday!

(Don't forget about Sunday!! :) I am sooooo excited!)

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