Friday, November 6, 2009

The play was a hit!

My little Pinehead!!

The play last night was great! All the kids did a great job! The other Pinocchio showed up, so Alexandra didn't have to play her part too. It was harder to take pictures in the gym from the far back, but I think I had a couple of good ones. After the play was over, we went to Dairy Queen for treats. Lots of kids did that last year also. This year we got there a little later and there wasn't as many kids as last year.

All in was a great night! Alexandra had a great time and had fun!! I see more drama in her future....I just hope we keep it on the stage!

Tonight is going to be an early night. We are coming home from work, having dinner, maybe watching Alexandra's Pinocchio on the tv, then going to bed!!! We may skip the movie and just go to bed...

Have a Fabulous Friday!!

(Thanks for working for me this morning mom!!! See you at 1:30!)

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