Wednesday, November 25, 2009


It is only ONE MONTH until Christmas!!! Are you ready? You have to be now! It is coming sooooon. I am so excited! We are going to wait until after we get home from Disneyland before we put up our Christmas tree. I don't want to leave 4 cats in the house with a new tree.

I have to start packing and getting things ready for Disneyland. We leave one week from tomorrow! I can't believe it is almost here. We have been planning for so long, that it doesn't seem real yet.

Tomorrow is Turkey Day! We are going to do the Turkey Trot at EagleRidge in the morning. The girls and I have done it for the last 3 years I think. It is lots of fun. You can do a 2k walk (that's what we do!) or the 5k run (that's what McKenzie and Alexandra want to do this year!). It is free for kids 12 and under and is only $5 for adults and kids over 12. It is a fun time.

Look what I found when I was going through my important papers:

McKenzie wrote a letter to me. It says:

Your the best I have seen becuse, you are nice and kindandgood

I love you

How Cute is that! I love finding little letters and notes from my girls :)

Look what else I found the other day! It has been early release this week and Alexandra came home and since it was naptime in the livingroom for the daycare kids, she had to find something to do in her room. She made a hammock under the bunkbed and spent the afternoon reading! Such a cozy place to read. If they were bigger and stronger, I would totally read in a hamock!

Have a great Wednesday! It is kinda like Friday today!!

1 comment:

  1. I am totally pumped to start up my Christmas music and decorations tomorrow evening!
    I think we are doing turkey dinner around 4 tomorrow.
    Have a great Wednesday/Friday!
