Tuesday, November 24, 2009

It is a Terrrrriiiffffiiiicccc Tuesday!

Everytime I try to remember how to spell Terrific... I think of the gander in Charlotte's Web.

T E double r double r I double f double I C C C.....or something like that :) Does is have two r's? Two f's? I never remember!

Alexandra goes to indoor soccer tonight. Her game is not until 7:30! That is pretty late. At least it is still only a half day tomorrow and then there is no school until next week! Which means.....tomorrow is daycare and then Thanksgiving Thursday!!!! The girls and I are going to do the Turkey Trot again at Eagleridge. We have so much fun doing it. It feels so good to get up and go for a brisk walk in the freezing cold air :) It makes you understand a little how those frozen turkeys feel :) As for the rest of the day....I am not sure yet... I am not going to stress or worry about that until Thursday! :)

Alexandra and McKenzie came with me to WECU last night to dump all of our change. Did you guess how much it was????

We turned this......

We had $234.5 in rolled coin

We had $73.74 in loose change

Into this...

This money will be divided 4 ways for us to spend on souveniers and other stuff. :)

We will be in Disneyland one week from Thursday!! We have spending money now. I just need to pack our suitcases (after I find them!) Shop for our snacks. And get on the plane! I am pretty sure there are other things to do, I am just not going to think about them now!

Have a great Tuesday!!

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