Sunday, November 8, 2009

I am tired!!!

Trying to stay warm in the rain!

YEAH!!! We won!!!

Yesterday at Auburn was an adventure! Lots of fun, excitement, and craziness!! I took Alyssa to Ferndale High School at 11am so they could warm up and get ready to go. Mom came over to the house right after that and we left (mom, Alexandra, McKenzie and I). We stopped at the Mt. Vernon Super Walmart. It is big. It reminds me of Costco. Some departments are bigger and some are smaller. The fabric, crafts, and office supplies that I like....smaller. Much smaller. Really disappointingly smaller. :( Our regular Walmart in Bellingham has more fabric & crafts than the Super Walmart. The food section was pretty cool. I may go grocery shopping down there one day. We shall see.

This is a movie (I think Alexandra took) of our Color Guard.

This is the first time I have put a movie on here, so I don't know how it is going to work. Let me know! :)

ColorGuard 2009 1st Place!!!!!

FHS Band & Guard - Best overall!!!

After we left Walmart, we continued on our way down to Auburn. The directions we got were not the best, and after taking the scenic route, going down a few dead end streets, and west instead of east, and right instead of left.......we made it! :)

We pulled up in front of the Auburn stadium and I got out to ask the police officer where we were allowed to park. He told us anywhere we wanted..."just go ahead and flip around and pull up behind that car over there. Just don't run over anybody crossing the street." OK! So....we flipped a U-ie (sp?) and parked in a no parking yellow zone. We got out of the car, packed our stuff up, waved to and thanked the very nice police man, and went inside the stadium.


Once we got inside we decided we would find some seats. The stadium was covered, but Alyssa told us we needed to be tall enough up to see the whole show and low enough to be able to get good pictures! So we went about 2/3 of the way up. The stairs were STEEP!!! I felt like I was climbing the side of a mountain. Once we sat down, it started to rain. And rain, and rain, and rain! It rained most of the night. It was windy, cold, and wet. The bands did really good though. I was impressed. Sometimes you could hear the squish squish of the shoes marching on the very soggy astro-turf. The rain had stopped before Ferndale got on the field, but as soon as they marched on field, the rain started. It only rained lightly for a little while, but they got wet!

Marching on the field


We watched a lot of bands and guards. Some were FABULOUS!!! And some were not. There were lots of different divisions. We were AA. About 30 bands competed. Most of them competed in the rain. :) Ferndale won....Best ColorGuard, Best General Effect, and 1st place in AA Division. Go team!!!

For the final retreat, all the bands marched on the field. WOW!!! That was a lot of bands, a lot of kids!!! They filled up most of the field. It was crazy. Then they accounced the winners of each division.

I think other than Ferndale winning 1st place, my favorite part of the day was when BLUE THUNDER drum line played. They are the drum line for the Seattle Seahawks. They were AMAZING!!! After they were done, then the SOUNDERS came out and played. They are the band for the Seattle Sounders soccer team. They were really good also. After they played for us, they went across the field to were some of the bands were waiting and played for them. Those band kids were soooo excited! You should have seen there faces. They were jumping up and down to the music and shouting and singing along. They were HAPPY!!!

All in all, it was a wonderful day! I had a great time and will try to do it again next year....November 6, 2010!!

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday! I am going to bed!

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