Thursday, November 12, 2009

I love days off!

Alexandra practicing headers this summer!

I had the best day off yesterday!!! I enjoyed getting up when I wanted, staying in my jammies ALL DAY, doing not much of anything, and not having to go anywhere!

I woke up around 7:30 but I didn't get out of bed until 8:30. It was so nice! I sat on the couch and read a book. We had doughnuts for breakfast.

McKenzie had spent the night at Emily's on Tuesday night after AWANA's and she stayed there until about 4 o'clock.

Alexandra went over to Maddie & Bella's house at 9:30 until her paper route at about 2:30. Richard came over at 9 to take Alyssa shopping for clothes. She got a new winter coat that will fit her and if I am lucky, maybe I will get it when she is done! :)

That means that from 9:30 until 12:30 when Alyssa came home, I had the house to MYSELF!!! No kids! It was quiet, calm, and wonderful!

It was such a beautiful sunny day out, I felt a little guilty about not getting outside things done. But I got over that pretty quickly! I really enjoyed my day off.

For dinner, Alyssa said she wanted taco's. I told her that was a great idea. She could get the meat out of the freezer and let it defrost. She did that and I promptly forgot all about it. So, around 4:30 Alyssa comes out of her room (she was cleaning it) and goes into the kitchen. Pretty soon I hear dinner being made. She asked me a couple of questions, but that was it. She had the girls clean off the table and set it. I just went into the kitchen when it was all ready and sat down to eat! What a great end to a fabulous day!!!

I hope your day was a wonderful as mine!

Enjoy your Thursday!!

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