Friday, November 13, 2009

Yeah for Friday!!

Hip Hip Hooray!! Today is Friday!!

Which is not really any closer to the weekend for me since I work weekends too! That's alright. I enjoy looking forward to a different work.

Yesterday after school, the girls and I went apple picking with Lesley and Derek. We went to Sm'apples for the last of their apples. They were only $.20 a pound!!! It was pretty dark by the time we got there at 4:45 but we could see a little bit. We only picked for about 20 min. but I got about 40 lbs! It cost me $8......for 40 lbs of apples!!! Such a deal.

While we were there Lesley and I decided (ok, really it was me) that we both looked good enough for a quick photo shoot! We got a few pretty decent pictures. Nothing stellar, but decent! And I am ok with decent!

We got some pictures of the kids too, but it was pretty dark. Hard to take pictures.

We had a great time and got some good apples.

Today is going to be a busy day!

I get to go to work at Launching Success.
Alyssa gets to go down to Renton after school with the Band/Colorguard for the football game.
That means that Alexandra and McKenzie get to go somewhere else. McKenzie will be at Emily's house (of course!) and Alexandra will be going to Maddie and Bella's house for a sleepover. That means from the time I get home from work untill Alyssa gets home from the game.....I am by myself...AGAIN!!! That is two times in one week that I will have the house to myself for at least two hours!!! :)
Tonight I will be working on cards for club next week. Lesley came over last night and we worked on the magic snwoflake card. Turned out sooooo cooool!!! I will have pictures of some of the completed cards tomorrow!
Well it is off to school I go. Alexandra was invited to participate in the Math Olympiad at school and they meet on Friday mornings at 8:15! I am excited for her. Math is not her strong subject and I am proud of her for going outside her comfort zone and trying it anyway! She will be good at it.
Have a great Friday!!! Stay dry!

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