Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Tomorrow is the big day!

It is the day that Alexandra is in Pinocchio! It will be an interesting play.....we have had to do some last minute switching of parts because some kids are out sick. Really sick. So we will see how it all "plays" out. ;)

This morning, Alexandra (who was up waayyyyyy to early!) came out of her bedroom and said, "Mom! Did you see the sky? It looks so pretty!"

It was beautiful! By the time I got my camera out, it had lost a lot of its beautiful color, but it still was stunning!

Daylight savings time.....I don't like it! The last few years, it really hasn't affected us. My girls still get up close to the same time and go to bed about the same time. This year......not so much! Alexandra and McKenzie have been going to bed close to the same time they always have (about 8:30 or so...) the morning, it is a whole 'nother story! They usually get up around 7 or so. THIS week....that means about SIX AM!!! That is tooo early! I told them that I think I will have to get them to bed earlier, to make up for that extra hour they are getting up. They were not very happy!

This is Alexandra reading her book before 7 am! They come out of their room tired and grumpy and snuggle on the couch with their blanket and book. They are pretty cute, but I bet they would be just as cute AFTER 7!!

Alexandra had her first indoor soccer game last night. I was only able to watch the first 5 min. because I had to go to AWANA. They did AWESOME! Alexandra said she scored two goals, both off of her knee! She didn't use her foot! The final score was 9 to 3. They were pretty happy. Last year, on their first game, they lost big!!! Indoor goes so fast. It is like pinball, with the ball bouncing off of the walls and going every which way. It is fun to watch.

Have a wonderful Wednesday!!!

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