Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy Monday!

This weekend (10/31) was our last weekend of outdoor soccer. The girls did good. McKenzie had a double header (11:20 & 1:40) then Alexandra had a game (3:30). The weather was nice. A little cloudy and windy, but the sun came out and it didn't rain!

Alexandra subbing out. She played an awesome game. I think the girls favorite part of the game on Saturday was the amount of mud on the field. Half of the girls were super muddy, the other half wouldn't touch the ball if it went in the mud. After the game most of the girls went over to the mud puddle to jump and splash!!

Alyssa came to support her sisters and watch all three of their games! What a great sister! (Just don't ask her if she was forced to go by her evil mother or if she voluntarily went :) )

McKenzie did a great job at her games.

My to do list for this wonderful, not raining out yet, Monday

1) Get children ready for the day. Breakfast, get dressed, make sure lunches and backpacks are ready, take them to school.
2)Drop off the right kids at the right classroom. Sometimes this can be the hardest part of the day. Which child goes to what classroom on what day? McKenzie...easy....same classroom everyday. Alexandra....harder....Tuesday she goes to a different school and has to catch the bus. Xander....hardest....somedays he goes and some days he stays with me.

3)Deliver the Stampin' Up! order that came in on Friday night. :)

4)Work on cleaning off my stamp table. I did the floor by the computer last night, today at naptime it is the table.
5) Sew the shoulders on 9 felt vests for the play on Thursday. Four for Pinocchio & 5 for the puppets.
6) Go to bed a little early!
Have a great Monday!!

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