Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy November!!

WOW!! November already! Just yesterday it seemed like it was October! :) October just flew by! I hope November goes by a little slower.


I can't believe my baby sister is 22 already! Since I am still only 29, she will be older than me in a few years! :)

I remember:

* when she was born. I held her in the hospital and she smiled at me! A real smile...not gas!

*driving down the road with her in the backseat (she was about 3 or 4). My car wasn't shifting right and I was getting frustrated. She pipes up from the backseat...."Patience is a virtue!" (I used to tell her that when she ws frustrated!)

*taking her in the backseat of the bike to Ferndale on Saturdays. We would go the the Ferndale Library, Jarvies or the Hub (clothing stores) and then to the Ferndale Bakery for a treat!

*later when the bus started coming to Ferndale, we would take the bus to the mall and hang out. She usually came home with a new outfit!

*watching her soccer games at Northwest Soccer Field on Saturdays

*babysitting Alexandra.....she would put her in the stroller and walk up and down my street so she wouldn't scream! And scream she did!

*when she graduated from High School!

and now she has her own apartment, job and boyfriend!! My baby sister has grown up!
Happy Halloween!

We had Pinocchio, a Pirate, and a cutle little Pumpkin!


Alexandra is going to be Pinocchio in the school play on Thursday, so she used her costume for Halloween. It is not finished yet, but looks pretty close!

My Little Pumpkin!!!

She made her shirt all by herself! We used black fabric paint for the outline and used glow in the dark paint for the inside so it looks like it glows! It turned out very cute!

Have a great Sunday!!!

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