Sunday, November 15, 2009

Windy, Blustery Day

Today is a windy, cold and blustery day. It is a good day for baking, which I would do. Except that I used all the eggs in our french toast/scrambled egg lunch that the girls wanted for lunch. Very yummy lunch. Can't bake now. I may look through my cook books and stuff and see if there are eggless goodies I could make. If I had planned ahead, and new it was going to be blustery out, then I would have made a crock pot meal. There is nothing better than a warm, yummy smelling house because of goodies baking! Unless you are reading a good book while your children are baking! :)

What is wrong with this picture? :)

Since I probably won't be baking today, I went through some summertime pictures. I found Mother's Day 2009. Fun day!! Smore's. Trampoline. Fire (in the fire pit!). BBQ. Fun. Laughter. Sticky fingers (from the smores!). It was a lot warmer that day than it is today! :)

Grandma Kaye and McKenzie Kaye :)

Alexandra doing flips on the trampoline. McKenzie in the background protecting her head in case Alexandra fall on it!

Have a great Sunday!

1 comment:

  1. It's not cold my dear,just windy and rainy. OK maybe a little cold but not northeaster cold!
    I don't see anything wrong with the picture, he wears his glasses like that all the time.
    Go Alexandra! Watch out McKenzie! I am crocheting up a storm and other fun stuff. Many more ideas but not enough time and energy. How's your voice? Daycare tomorrow will be interesting, sign language will come in handy.
    Have a great day my favorite blogger!
    I love you,
