Tuesday, November 3, 2009

This is my 50th!!

This is the 50th post that I have written! Crazy!

I got most of my list done yesterday. Alexandra, McKenzie and I sewed the 9 vests together last night. So all I have to do today is tie the neck bow ties and glue on the trim. Pinocchio is on Thursday this week!!! I can't believe it is already here! Two more practices and then they will perform on Thursday morning for the school, and Thursday night for families!

Tonight Alexandra starts indoor soccer. She is pretty excited!

Alyssa had a Sudoku puzzle last night for extra credit math homework. She was having problems solving it so we photocopied it and Alexandra and I got to "help" her (ssshhhh....don't tell her math teacher :) !!). I have never solved a sudoku puzzle before. I have tried, I have come close, but I have never solved it. Last night, guess who solved it?????? YEAH MEE!!!! I was very excited! I told Alyssa not to get to used to me helping her with her homework though. I don't remember much about what I was taught in high school.

Have a great Tuesday! I promise pictures tomorrow!!

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