Tuesday, November 10, 2009

We love books

We love to read books. We like to listen to books. We like to check out books from the library. We like to buy books from Book orders and Book Fairs. We really love books!
I like to start reading to and looking at books from the time a child is born. We learn how to hold a book, how to listen to the book, how to read the book. My goal is to raise happy readers that love to read and love to learn!

My girls now ask me for books and when I tell them, "We are out of bookshelves. We will have to go through your books at home and donate some if you want new books."

Their reply: "Buy a new bookshelf!"
I don't know where we would put it though....my walls are pretty full! Eventually, I would love to have a room for library books. I have lots of books that I love to read. I like to check them out from the library too, but sometimes...I want to read a book and not wait for it to come in at the library.

Have a great Tuesday....and go read a good book!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love books too! One of my favorite things is to go to used book sales and find the oldest history book and bring it home for a happy life. My set of World Book Encyclopedia from 1954 (the year I was born) is like having history in my living room. To think of what the world was like then is awesome.
    Keep up the love of reading my dear daughter.
    I love you.
