Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Random Tuesday Ramblings

Alyssa...up and ready to start the day!

I have a very busy day today!

McKenzie and Alexandra continue to get up pretty early in the morning. Not at 6 o'clock anymore, but they are usually still out in the livingroom before 7am when daycare gets here.

McKenzie...up at 7....not so ready for the day!

They are tired, but they are up.

Can you find Alexandra? She is reading under her scooby blanket!

I have a full day of daycare today. I have all my kids....all day long. Xander doesn't have school, I have Celisse, I have Brandon & Marcus all day, and Logan is here. I will take Logan to school today at 12:45....but it will be a full, long, rainy day. I will have to use my creative powers to find something to do!

Tonight is indoor soccer for Alexandra. So far they have not lost. The first game they played the Blue Diamonds and the score was 9-3. Last week they played The Ferocious Cows and the score was 4-3, it was a very good game. I like it when the scores are closer. They were a pretty good team. Tonight they play the Metamorphosis...we shall see what that score will be. Alexandra's team is the Dynamikos...it is Greek (or Latin) for power! They have a very powerful team! :)

AWANA is tonight. We are having a food drive. I think it is the boys against the girls. I will have to scrounge around my fairly empty cupboards to see what we can donate. Then maybe afterwards I can just shop the food drive for my groceries :)
Last night I was stampin, and getting ready for Club on Thursday night. I made this cute little basket out of a pillow envelope die. I just glued the ends together to form a circle, then I wrapped paper around it and made a fancy handle out of a scrap of paper. It turned out so cute!

This is the Christmas journal that we are going to be filling out this year. I got the Christmas Jingle Scrapbook kit from Stampin' Up! and have had so much fun with it! I used some onboard for the book base and then covered the pages with the paper from the kit. I added some of the stickers to decorate the covers and the pages inside. For the inside, I just cut some of the cardstock to fit the inside pages. Totally Cute!!! I am very excited about it!

These next two are a couple of cards that Lesley and I made. Actually I made these ones :) She came over the other night and we played with a disappearing magic something or other snowflake technique. It was so much fun! I could totally make these for my Christmas card this year! They were that fun and easy!

Can you see the little white button in the middle of this snowflake? I thought it added a cute little touch.

I am off to continue my day! Enjoy your Tuesday!!!

1 comment:

  1. Those are beautiful cards! Will you show me your magic technique sometime? These days are all jumbled up for me until Thanksgiving is over, I'm doing things for Christmas but not really out loud. Just wait until November 26th at midnight . . .the Christmas music will be happenin' and the lights will go on! Yippee!
    Have a good sleep tonight!
    Hello Alyssa, Alexandra and McKenzie Kaye! You girls have a good night sleep and don't get up too early in the morning!
    I love you guys!
    Mom (aka Grandma Kaye)
