Monday, November 9, 2009


I don't understand WHY??? smoke detectors choose to announce that their batteries are dead at 1AM!!!

I woke up this morning at 1am to the BEEP BEEP BEEP of the smoke detector. It would not stop. I tried to ignore it. I couldn't.

Alyssa woke up and asked me, "Mom, what is that loud beeping sound? I can't sleep."

I told her, "That would be the smoke detector with dead batteries. If it bugs you, change the batteries."

So, she got a quick lesson in how to change the batteries in a smoke detector. I also told her that today, she could practice her new skill in all the other smoke detectors in the house so we don't have to do that again!

So much for going to bed early and getting a good night sleep! It took me untill about 2 to fall back to sleep. Gonna be another loooonnnggg day!

In other exciting news.....

I am going to use this family picture to post on my wall. It will be on canvas, with a vinyl saying. I am excited to finally have a decent family picture (it is not the best, it is just the best I had) to put up on the wall. Now I can start my family pictures wall. I am well on my way to a grown up house! :)

Last week, Brandon was building block towers with Alexandra. He is very good at blocks. He got them very tall. Sometimes he even let Alexandra help him.

Have a great Monday!!

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